Mysty:   Oh look at all dat champagne and dey have pink too!!

Moke: Let'z go sit down and hab sum, JJ will mew and Sabrina join us - dere are more chairs ofur dere.

Jasper Jax: Come on my Luff let'z go sit wif Mysty an Moke

Sabrina: Oh yes let'z, mwe can pondur on de announzement dat Bear Doggy & Dixie are making at de stroke ob midnight



Magick:  I hab missed mew so mush, I shure wish mew still habbed time fur me - I wondfur what Bear & Dixie be up to - dey wud not tell me cuz dey sed I be a blabbermouf

Shadow Leigh: I shure wish sumone had got me a new durress, dis ting be so BAAABY lukin:{

Magick: Mew luk bootifur to me


Selkie Sue:  Bash here iz a little table for two letz sit here,  I am so happy we get to spend tonite togefur - I luff mew so mush

Bash:  I can't wait till we are wedwinked and can spend all ar time togefur my Princess


Miss Bridgit:  Oh poor Alf I am so sorry dat Nata cud not make it to dis party - it has ben a long time sinze yu hab hurd from hur habn't it?

Alf:  Fangu Miss Bridgit - yes it ben a long time I hope hur hab not furgotted me

Foofee: HEE HEE HEEEEEEEE  I habbed Weewok stashed in a trunk,

he ainna gonna git away from me!!!

Weewok:  Oh Foofee my Luff I so glad yu let me out I neerly smofurred in dere  

It will soon be midnight and a new year!



DeZignz By DeWitch

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