Shadow Leigh: "Oh Angel ain't he cute!!!"
Angel: "He ain't bad but dere catsum Tomz efurrywhere"
Kayla: " Koff Koff - umm... Shadow Leigh behabe mewrself"
Selkie Sue: "Bash be just as sturrong anna catsum as him"
Caroline: " Oh My!"
Felice: "Mew can say dat agin, look at dat tail!!!"
Bini: " He looks kinda like Murrf did in his um... youngurr
Sabrina: "Yeah he'z nice but can he ride a Harley???"
Dixie: " He is furry handsum fur a kitty, myself I
like Chow Chowz de best doe"
Cowboy Dan: "So which one ob mew liddle ladiez is gonna ride
off wif me into de sunset??? How about mew dere Cary diz be mewr last night ob freedom, mwe cud reallyhab sum fun"
Cary: "Ooooh Yesss!!! I'm ready to ride off into de sunset!!!"